Workplace Policies

Most employees at every level in an organization want to do the right thing – if they know what the right thing is and what is expected of them. Workplace policies are designed as formal guidelines for employees to rely on in understanding their obligations to the employer.

These policies outline appropriate employee behaviour, and showcase what is expected of employees. Different companies or organizations require specific policies and procedures to fit the needs of their particular business.

Workplace Policies are Important for Several Reasons:

They allow management to make decisions that are consistent, standardized and transparent

Employers May Wish to Create Company Policies in Regards to

Dress Codes
Many businesses require its employees to maintain a specific dress code. Employers have the right to determine appropriate employee attire, whether it be business formal, business casual or a set uniform. In drafting a dress code policy, it is essential to ensure that the dress code equally applies to both men and women, although the specific attire can vary, in order to avoid a workplace discrimination lawsuit.

Sexual Harassment
Ensuring that your company has a clear and concise sexual harassment policy is essential to creating a safe and secure workplace environment. In Ontario, employers must prepare and review a policy on workplace harassment at least once a year. A workplace harassment policy should outline an employer’s commitment to combating harassment in the workplace, and outline the roles and responsibilities of the employees. The policy should also encourage employees to bring forward any claims of harassment.

Working hours and scheduled breaks
An employer has the opportunity to set employees working hours and scheduled breaks as long as they comply with all employment standard legislation. A workplace policy may include information about leave of absences, sick days, vacation days, and rules about being late to work

Performance Standards
In some workplace environments, especially when employees are working on commission, an employer may wish to set certain performance minimums in their workplace policies. This could include monthly target sales minimums or performance requirements.


Why Choose an Employment Lawyer at Levitt LLP?

Drafting clear and concise workplace policies that protect companies and their employees is something our employment lawyers have been helping organizations do for years.

Our employment lawyers can work with you to develop a company handbook that outlines policies, procedures and day-to-day expectations specific to your organization. Our employment lawyers have the knowledge and expertise to ensure your workplace policies fits the needs of your company or organization while complying with all government mandated minimums.

Beyond helping your employees understand what is required and expected of them, a well-drafted handbook creates an important legal framework in the event of a dispute over an established internal policy. Each situation is unique; so, talk with one of our employment lawyers in Toronto, the GTA or across Canada to learn about how Levitt LLP can help you reduce the HR risks in your organization.


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