Union Certifications, Grievances & Unfair Labour Practice Complaints

Union Applications for Certification in the Workplace

Are you concerned that you will be surprised with an application for certification from your workforce?

Our labour lawyers help employers to prepare to handle with a union’s application for certification before there is any hint of union activity in the workplace. We can help you develop strategies that will keep your management staff closely integrated with the workforce, and that will increase the likelihood of early detection of any union organization efforts. We then assist in a campaign to prevent unionization.

Unfair Labour Practices

If an employer learns of union organization efforts within their workforce, it is essential that they consult with a Labour relations lawyer to help clarify an employer’s rights and responsibilities in the circumstances.

Expert advice is crucial during the union organization and collective bargaining phases. Some employers act to oppose the union without expert labour lawyers. These employers sometimes unwittingly commit what is known as an “unfair labour practice” – any conduct that has the effect of interfering with employees’ rights to bargain collectively.

If the labour board finds that an employer has committed an unfair labour practice, the consequences for that employer can be dire – in some cases, the Union can be automatically certified to represent the workforce.

Our labour lawyers can help you voice your opposition to unionization while remaining in full compliance with the law. If the union has filed an unfair labour practice effectively against your company, our labour lawyers have the expertise and resources to help you oppose it.

Union Grievances

If your workplace is already unionized, our labour lawyers can help you navigate the union grievance process, whether through grievance arbitration or labour board hearings.

Our labour lawyers understand that the grievance process is expensive, and the number one concern for almost all of our clients is the bottom line. Our labour lawyers can advise you on cost-saving strategies, both short term and long, aimed at simplifying the grievance process, protecting your interests, and reducing the number of grievances.

Why Choose Labour Lawyers at Levitt LLP?

Our labour lawyers at Levitt LLP are experts in labour law in Toronto, the GTA and across Canada.

We provide labour representation to management clients in a vast range of industries in Toronto, the GTA and across the country. Our labour lawyers have relationships with many of the top labour adjudicators in Toronto, the GTA and across the country, giving our labour lawyers the credibility to effectively represent our clients.

Time is of the essence in all labour relations matters. Our labour lawyers will leap into action to complete the filings that are required to resist certification applications, to respond to other complaints by unions, and to defend you before labour boards and arbitrators.

This is an area of law that requires depth of expertise and quick reaction time – both of which our labour lawyers are highly equipped to deliver.

If you receive any documents from a Union, please call one of our labour lawyers immediately.


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